The Palestinian Arabs Are „Open“ — But Not To Compromise

mount arbel
Aufstieg zum Berg Arbel, Israel, 18.10.2023

„..Yet many Turks and other Muslims still talk about the area as being part of the Muslim world. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan still talks about Southeastern Europe as being “part of the Ottoman-Muslim area.”

That brings us to the years 1948-1949, when Israel defeated five Muslim armies. At the Rhodes talks in 1949, the Muslims insisted on the phrase „ceasefire lines“ instead of „borders.“ The word „borders“ implies the recognition of the people living there. Jews would have the right to live in Eretz Yisrael. A Muslim would find that unacceptable because those lands should remain Muslim forever.

To the Arabs, there is nothing magical about the lines drawn in the 1948-49 map. Those borders do not matter. The land is completely Muslim. But from the Western point of view, we are talking about how to divide up land and this is the point of pushing for the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. However, Netanyahu understands that the Arabs are not talking about Israel’s borders and how to renegotiate them. They are talking about Israel’s existence. And people cannot compromise on their existence.“ (Elder of Ziyon, Interview mit Dr. Harold Rhode)



5 Kommentare zu “The Palestinian Arabs Are „Open“ — But Not To Compromise”

  1. multiplikato am Januar 16th, 2024 9:04 pm

    RTDE übersetzt Artikel mit Quellenangabe. Ein bundesdeutscher Jurnalist ist sich natürlich zu fein dafür. Selbst tichys übersetzt.

  2. admin am Januar 16th, 2024 10:39 pm

    Tichy muss übersetzen, weil dessen Leser nicht so gebildet und kosmopolitisch sind wie die hiesigen.

  3. blu_frisbee am Januar 17th, 2024 7:23 am

    Politische Macht kommt aus Gewehrläufen.
    Letztlich die größere Gewalt.
    Islam macht blöde. Zu viele Führer.

    Ibn Chaldun beschrieb Einigkeit als Machtfaktor.

    PS: Juden streiten auch. Aber sie hauen sich nicht gegenseitig.

  4. tom am Januar 17th, 2024 9:53 am

    „the arabs“. Das wären dann 100%.

  5. blu_frisbee am Januar 17th, 2024 3:10 pm

    Oh, see grad. Nu denn: Why arabs lose wars

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