Voluntary Immigration, rechts-religiös

„Israeli Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich told US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Israel will not transfer any funds to the Palestinian Authority (PA) during Blinken’s visit to Israel on Tuesday.“

„We will not transfer a shekel to the Palestinian Authority that will go to the families of the Nazis in Gaza and we will work to allow the opening of the gates of Gaza for the voluntary immigration of refugees as the international community did for the refugees from Syria and Ukraine,“ Smotrich said in his remarks to Blinken.

Well said, dude. Ich will nicht, dass meine Schekel, die ich in Israel gelassen habe, irgendwelchen arabischen Terroristen übereignet werden.

„Smotrich leugnet die Existenz des palästinensischen Volkes“, schreibt irgendein Dödel auf Wikipedia. Ich auch. Bin ich jetzt „rechts-religiös“?