Business will not be as usual

Diamond Exchange District Tel Aviv
Diamond Exchange District, Tel Aviv, fotografiert am 22.10.2023, 10:50 Uhr

Eine sehr interessante Analyse von Herb Keinon in der Jerusalem Post: „Israel’s big political earthquake is coming after Hamas war“.

„The country is hurting, worried, and angry. There is a burning hatred toward Hamas, and there is seething anger toward the government — how could this have happened? How could Israel have failed so miserably? One indication of the whirling anger is the reluctance of government ministers and Knesset members to make public appearances.“ (…)

„First of all, Gantz’s party — which is averaging about 39 seats in the major polls, as opposed to Likud’s 18 — is expected to split in two, with Gideon Sa’ar’s New Hope party, which joined Gantz in the last election, widely expected to split off and run as a liberal right-wing party, perhaps with former prime minister Naftali Bennett. Such a party would put a big crimp in Gantz’s numbers.“

„According to the IDI poll, 44% of the population said they would take part in demonstrations if a wave of protests breaks out after the war to hold the political and military echelon responsible. Tellingly, 28% of Likud voters said they would participate in these demonstrations.

Those poll numbers indicate that much of the public will not, after the war, allow the Israeli political scene to return to what it was beforehand.“