The deadly sin of Gluttony


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„Create an artistic representation of the deadly sin of gluttony, embodying the themes of excessive indulgence and lack of self-control. The scene should vividly depict overconsumption in a dramatic and symbolic manner, showcasing an individual overwhelmed by an abundance of food and drink, perhaps seated at a lavishly set table overflowing with various extravagant dishes. The setting should be opulent yet foreboding, highlighting the negative aspects of gluttony, such as greed and waste. Incorporate symbolic elements that reflect the moral and spiritual downfall associated with this sin, like decaying food or a dark, ominous background to contrast with the excess in the foreground. Aim for a powerful visual narrative that conveys the destructive nature of gluttony on both a personal and societal level.“


Bei mir war es gestern nicht ganz so schlimm. Nur vier Gänge für die Gäste. Süßkartoffelsuppe mit Kokosmilch und Erdnüssen. Haferschnitzel an Kartoffelsalat sowie Blattsalat mit Honig-Senf-Dressing. Kartoffelpuffer mit selbst gemachtem Apfelmus (weil das Leibgericht meiner Lieblingsfreundin). Mascarpone-Joghurt-Sahne Dessert mit Sauerkirschen und Heidelbeeren. Dazu Penderyn und Bowmore.