Hydra oder: Nimm dies, Hamas!

Source: IDF

(Da nicht jeder den Telegram-Kanal der Israel Defense Forces konsumiert:)
„The Northern Gaza Strip Brigade is the second largest brigade of the Hamas terrorist organization. Hamas commanders were hiding in the tunnel, located under civilian residences and near the Indonesian Hospital, during the strike. With assistance from the IDF Intelligence Directorate and the ISA, IDF soldiers eliminated the brigade’s commander, Ahmed Al-Ghandoor, the Deputy Brigade Commander, Wael Rajab, and other senior operatives, including: the commander of the brigade’s support battalion, the head of the technical and operational support department, and the observation officer for the northern Gaza Strip. Ahmed Al-Ghandoor served as a member of the inner circle of Hamas‘ military wing. Al-Ghandoor was responsible for directing and managing all terrorist operations of Hamas in the Northern Gaza Strip area.

Parallel to the elimination of the commanders in the Northern Strip Brigade, the Commander of the Beit Lahiya Battalion, the Commander of the Central Jabalya Battalion, and other terrorists were also eliminated from this unit. Due to the damage to the command avenue and its infrastructure, the functioning of the Northern Brigade of the Gaza Strip was significantly damaged.

The Gaza City Brigade is the largest brigade in the Hamas terrorist organization. In Gaza City, there are many military posts, as well as weapons manufacturing and storage facilities embedded in the heart of civilian areas. Gaza City is a prominent example of Hamas’s use of the civilian population as human shields.

The IDF forces, under the intelligence guidance of the General Security Service and the Intelligence Division, eliminated four battalion commanders in the Gaza Brigade, among them: the commander of the Tsabra Battalion, the commander of the Shati Battalion, the commander of the Darj Tapah Battalion and the commander of the Shejaiya Battalion.

The Tsabra Battalion was significantly damaged and in addition to the battalion commander, commanders in the central command avenue were eliminated and infrastructure and the battalion headquarters were put out of use.

In the sector of the Shati Battalion, the IDF forces took control of central strongholds. The battalion is responsible for the central headquarters of Hamas, among them the Hamas headquarters at the Shifa hospital, whose underground infrastructure was thwarted. In addition, the head of the anti-tank in the brigade, the head of the air formation and the head of the naval formation were eliminated.

Attached is a photo of senior officials in the Northern Brigade of the Gaza Strip which was located during the fighting and was taken in a tunnel of the terrorist organization Hamas. Five commanders from those photographed in the photo were eliminated.

Attached is the unique documentation of the deputy commander of the Northern Gaza Brigade Wael Rajab from a tunnel inside the Gaza Strip. Wael Rajab was eliminated by the IDF at the intelligence direction of the ISA.“

Ich sehe das nicht so optimistisch. Die Anführer des Terrors werden ersetzt werden.



2 Kommentare zu “Hydra oder: Nimm dies, Hamas!”

  1. ... der Trittbrettschreiber am Dezember 6th, 2023 7:58 am

    Die sehen aus wie ein sympathischer Fussballclub. Gemeinsames Essen und Trinken, vielleicht singen die ja auch – genau wie die Israelis auf ihren Festen.
    Menschen koennen Menschen einfach nicht mehr trauen, schon garnicht wenn sie politisch oder gar journalistisch taetig sind. Ich dachte immer ich vertrage langsam das Bier nicht mehr und bekomme deshalb fast minuetlich diese mitllerweile leeren Kotzkraempfe. Nein, es sind die Medien mit ihren Bildern und Texten im Belanglos- und Beliebigkeitsranking, die uns letztlich in den finalen Wahnsinn treiben werden.

  2. Godwin am Dezember 6th, 2023 11:44 am

    Die rasen ja noch schneller von Erfolg zu Erfolg als die Ukraine…

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