German journalists love this stuff

tuvia teenenbom
Screenshot aus „Catch The Jew!: Eye-opening education“ (Kindle-Version)

Aus Tuvia Tenenboms „Catch The Jew!: Eye-opening education“ – Tenenbom interviewt den arabischen „Palästinenserführer“ Jibhril Rajoub, der für Arafat gearbeitet hat, Chef des Geheimdienstes Palestinian Preventive Security war und auch Präsident der Palestinian Football Association ist. Die Pointe: Rajoub weiß nicht, dass Tenenbom Jude ist, sondern denkt, der sei ein deutscher Journalist mit dem Namen „Tobi“.

„I was and will remain devoted to the cause of the Palestinian people,“ he says in the clearest of language, adding: „Equal rights for women is for me a commitment. I am trying. I hope that the other side [Israel] understands the dimension of what we’re doing and opens a bridge” for both of them to walk on.

Bullshit. I know it, he knows it, but he has to say this. How did we get into equal rights for women here? Part of the bullshit. German journalists love this stuff, and so he feeds it to me.

France is perfume. Germany is Mercedes. The USA is McDonald’s. What is Palestine?

„It’s enough that Christ was born here in Palestine, it’s enough that we have al-Aqsa, it’s enough that Palestine is sacred for three religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Jibril, enjoying his game, keeps at it. There were many wars in Europe, he says, but in this place Christ was born, and he „spread love and peace.“

More bullshit. Jibril is no Christian, and to Muslims Jesus was a prophet, no Christ, but Jibril knows that a good European Christian like me would be impressed by it, and so he says it.

He, the Master of Masters really believes me that I’m a German Christian. I’m good!



One Kommentar zu “German journalists love this stuff”

  1. Godwin am November 17th, 2023 7:23 am

    „Beim Camp David-Treffen im Jahr 2000 schlug Israel eine Teilung der Altstadt vor…“

    War das nicht ein strategischer Trick: wir schlagen etwas vor, von dem wir wissen, dass es ALLE ablehnen.
    Aber hey ihr hattet eure Chance.
    Wie im Lotto. Da hast du auch die Chance auf den Hauptgewinn…
    Oder im Kapitalismus hat auch jeder seine Chance…

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