Jasaw Chan K’awiil I

Jasaw Chan K’awiil
Fotografiert am 29.10.1979

Jasaw Chan K’awiil I, Ajaw der Maya in Tikal. Laut dem Mesoamerican Long Count calendar regierte er ab dem 03.05.682 bis zu seinem Tod 734. (In diesem Jahr gerät das Großfriesische Reich aka Magna Frisia unter fränkische Herrschaft.)

The depiction of Jasaw Chan K’awiil emphasizes his wealth, power, and performance. He is bedecked with rich clothing and jewelry, made of materials likely traded over long distances and worked by specialized artisans. He wears an enormous amount of jade, the most valuable material in the Classic Maya world. The blue-green color of jade recalled the green of growing maize and the blue of rushing water, and it emphasized fertility and growth. In the image on the stela, the king wears large jade earspools, which are large round ear ornaments. The king’s pectoral, or chest ornament, is made up of round jade beads.
From his hip belt dangle celts, oval-shaped jade ornaments that would have rung like bells when they came into contact with one another. The head at the center of his belt is also made of jade, and most likely represents an ancestor. Maya kings often wore representations of their ancestors on their belts to emphasize the legitimacy of their rule. Jade kneelets (like bracelets, but worn around the knee) complement the other jade jewelry, as do the king’s elaborate sandals.

Vgl. „Tikal“ (03.07.2012, „Sustainable water use in Mayan Tikal“ (17.07.2012), „Unter Globetrottern“ (17.09.2022), „Tikal, revisited“ (15.12.2022).

Jasaw Chan K’awiil
Credits: Dr. Caitlin Earley, Smarthistory



One Kommentar zu “Jasaw Chan K’awiil I”

  1. ... der Trittbrettschreiber am August 23rd, 2023 1:01 pm

    Wenn ich nur nicht so viel zu tun hätte, hier unten; ich würde das nachtanzen. Sie kannten sie also noch, die dreidimensionalen Buchstaben und die Rituale waren nicht nur Bücher sondern auch fucking manuals untertänigsten Zusammenlebens. Fast wie unter dem O-Scholz, dem dancer of the Rhythmus, der immer mit muss….hx.

    chancellor of the rhythm, that immer withmhhh..x.

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