
The Guardian: „France has been laissez-faire on race, the US proactive. Clearly, neither of them has it right“.

Yet, as the African American writer Bertrand Cooper observed even before the decision: “The reality is that for the Black poor, a world without affirmative action is just the world as it is – no different than before.“

Why? Because while affirmative action has improved prospects for middle-class black people, it has left untouched the lives of working-class African Americans.“

„Yet, as the African American writer Bertrand Cooper observed even before the decision: “The reality is that for the Black poor, a world without affirmative action is just the world as it is – no different than before.“

It is not that racism does not continue to play an immense role in the lives of black people. It is rather that, as Cooper has observed: „Ignoring class divisions in Black America over the last 40 years has allowed the benefits of racial progress to be concentrated upon the Black middle and upper classes while the Black poor have largely been excluded.“