Designed and programmed by humans

artificial intelligence chatgpt
/imagine beautiful female roboter::3 artificial intelligence thinking::3 about a mathematical::3 problem, background matrix, ultrarealistic (von mir, gemeinfrei)

Maariv hat den AI Chatbot interviewt, die Jerusalem Post hat das „Gespräch“ ins Englische übertragen:

How do you explain the number of Jews who have received Nobel prizes, relative to their share of the world’s population?
The share of Jewish Nobel Prize winners is disproportionately high compared to their share of the world’s population. Jews are only 0.2% of the world’s population and still make up about 25% of Nobel Prize winners. This fact is due to a combination of several reasons, including the historical emphasis placed on the education, creativity and intellectuality of their community and the fact that Jews were disproportionately represented in fields such as science, literature and economics.

Sehr weise und eine Stanislaw Lem würdig ist die Antwort auf die Frage (Lem hätte das lustiger formuliert):
Many people fear artificial intelligence and call for limiting its development. Can you assuage their concerns in 100 words?
The fears that artificial intelligence will get out of control are understandable, but it is important to note that all systems are designed and programmed by humans according to fixed parameters and limitations.