Im Dorfe

max henry ferrars

Max Henry Ferrars: Dorfszene im Schwarzwald, 1905.

Auf Fratzenbuch schrieb jemand: A group of children playing a game in a small village in 1905. This photo is just magnificent! It’s delightful to think of what this sounded like, too: no cars, cell phones, etc.. Just kids playing a game, a babbling brook, and chickens clucking in the yard…“

Gegenmeinung: But. Don’t think it’s good to see life back then through rose colored glasses. Life was hard and people often died very young. Not all children lived like in this photo. Many lived in deep poverty. My mom grew up in the mid 1930’s. She talked about teachers hitting students and no one cared to stop it, because that was the norm. My granddad worked at a brickyard when he was 5 in the 1890’s.
Just saying that while we all get nostalgic about old times, there were lots of darkness there too.

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