Dangerous Salt Sale

exchange point Oasis of Klima

Heute abend wieder, wie schon vor einem Jahr, virtuelles Hauen und Stechen in der virtuellen Wüste. Mein Avatar, der das Event organisiert, bereitet da schon mal was vor – für die, die dort hin wollen, wird es eine böse Überraschung geben. (Jaja, Fantasy aka Bullshit…)


October 29th 2022 (Saturday), 1 pm SLT 9 pm gmt (22 Uhr german time)
Start: Gates of the Silver Stone Desert Oasis

Salt sale for everyone for just one day!
Location: Exchange Point of the Oasis of Klima (NOT Klima itself).

Not all of you will be able to find the path to Klima or to reach the exchange point! It will be extremely dangerous! All men should be armed! Female merchants should ask for the protectoon of men. All merchants of Gor welcome! You will be able to buy a reasonable amount of authentic red and yellow salt from Klima and a certificate. To get to the exchange point you will have to find persons who have been in Klima before. Ask the people you will meet near the gates!

Roleplay plot: Very few Goreans know the way to the Oasis of Klima. Anyone who draws maps of the desert will be killed. The Salt Ubar and his warriors (Guards of the Dunes) control the trade in salt from Klima. Their names are not known, they are always veiled or wear a mask.

[The oasis of] Klima has its own water, but it is dependent on caravans for its foods. These food stores are delivered to scouted areas some pasangs from the compounds, whence they are retrieved later by salt slaves. Similarly, the heavy cylinders of salt, mined and molded at Klima, are carried on the backs of salt slaves from storage areas at Klima to storage areas in the desert, whence they are tallied, sold and distributed to caravans. (John Norman: Tribesmen of Gor)

exhange point Oasis of Klima

Kaiila are not permitted at Klima, even to the guards. Supplies are brought in, and salt carried away, by caravan, on which the pits must depend. Other than the well at Klima, there is no other water within a thousand pasangs. The desert is the wall at Klima. The locations of the pits, such as those at Klima, are little known, and, to protect the resource, are kept secret by mine agents and merchants.“