Long Live Free Grenada!

grenada 1982

Am Grand Anse Beach, fotografiert in Grenada (Kleine Antillen), während der leider fast vergessenen Revolution 1982. Meine damalige Freundin und Reisebegleiterin liest in einer revolutionären Zeitung.

Warum heute?
On this day, 25 October 1983, the United States invaded the Caribbean island of Grenada. The stated justification of the invasion was to „protect“ US citizens. However, the real reason was very different.

In the wake of their defeat in Vietnam, the US was keen to demonstrate its military and political might, and as a senior US official told New York Times journalist Bernard Gwertzman, „What good are manoeuvres and shows of force, if you never use it?“

Scores of people were killed in the invasion, with hundreds wounded, as the US government toppled the left-wing government which had been established after independence from Britain. 18 civilians were killed when US aircraft missiles hit a psychiatric hospital.

The new, pro-US government which was subsequently set up, established October 25 as a national holiday called „Thanksgiving Day“ to commemorate the invasion.



One Kommentar zu “Long Live Free Grenada!”

  1. Fred am Oktober 26th, 2022 11:04 am

    Ich erinnere mich noch an die Demos an denen ich seinerzeit teilgenommen habe.
    „US-Armada raus aus Grenada!“

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