Schwarzöl oder: Nothing to stop this selling

russian soldier
Russischer Soldat beim Lesen motivierender Qualitätsliteratur

Ich darf die geschätzten Leser und die der Ökonomie kundigen Leserinnen auf einen interessanten Artikel auf Bloomberg aufmerksam machen: „How Europe’s Main Diesel Exchange Can Help Russia Keep Exporting“. Das geht so:

Europe’s main commodities futures exchange is offering an anonymized conduit for Russian diesel to be supplied into the continent’s oil trading hub.

Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine in late February, a swath of companies said they were scaling back purchases from Moscow. In practice though, the nation’s oil and fuel is still flowing to export markets in large volumes.

Europe’s main exchange for diesel, run by ICE Futures Europe Ltd, ultimately allows traders to take physical delivery of the fuel once a contract expires. In keeping with the bloc’s current laws, the exchange allows supplies from anywhere, including Russia, to be delivered.

It’s not known where these supplies are to come from, but there is ultimately nothing to stop those selling from choosing to supply Russian material.

Ach so ist das? Es gibt also eine Hintertür, „that keeps Russian oil flowing into Europe“? Kann das jemand mal Putin sagen, oder weiß der es gar schon? Und unsere Qualitätsmedien? Sollten wir das denen mal stecken? Aber um das zu verstehen hätten die Marxismus-Leninismus irgendwie Volkswirtschaft Ökonomie studieren müssen und nicht internationales Recht.