Fata Morgana der Stärke

apokalypse washington

Vorsicht! Ganz schrecklich gefährlich! „Staatlich kontrollierte“ Medien! Triggerdings! „The U.S.-China Perception Monitor“ (中美印象): The View from Beijing: America’s Mirage of ‘Strength’ von Xu Zeyu and Zhai Xiang.

Biden’s team more closely examines the present China-U.S. power balance and has better knowledge of what is left of the U.S. „position of strength“. (…) It is firmly evident that American allies in Europe are hesitant about joining an anti-China coalition, which suggests its even less likely for countries in other regions to do the same. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, the world’s economic exposure to China has been significantly increasing and to the U.S. declining over the past two decades. (…) Perhaps the U.S. is waking up to reality.

Eine ziemlich klare und nüchterne Analyse der ökonomischen Realität. Davon findet man in deutschen Mainstream-Medien kaum etwas, meist nur platte Hetze.