Efficiency, anonymity

black casteblack casteblack caste

Und nun das Wort zum Sonntag. Ich war genötigt, zwei Killer anzuheuern. Der Anlass ist zu kompliziert zu erklären. Der „literarische“ Rahmen:

„Why Assassins?“ asked the pit master. „Why those of the black caste?“
„Efficiency, anonymity,“ said the officer.
(John Norman: Witness of Gor)

The men looked at the Assassin, who regarded them, one by one. Men turned white under that gaze. Some fled from the tables, lest, unknown to themselves, it be they for whom this man wore the mark of the black dagger.
(John Norman: Assassin of Gor)

I thought of the assassins of the medieval Middle East. The caste of assassins was quite different. They were not dupes, fools, madmen, too stupid to understand how they had been manipulated by others, young men drunk with the wine of death, who think they will somehow thrive in the cities of dust. Against such mindless puppets, such naive fools, such lunatics, manipulated by those who send them forth, sitting safe in their mountain fastness, safe in their lair of prevarication and deceit, it is difficult to defend oneself. But the Gorean Assassin, he of the Black Caste, is not a naive, twisted, deluded, managed beast serving the purposes of others, but a professional killer. He wishes to kill and vanish, to live, to kill again. Otherwise he is no more than a clumsy oaf, a failure, having accomplished no more than might have a desperate, simple, misguided fool. If he himself dies, he has botched his work, he has failed, he has shamed his caste.
((John Norman: Swordsmen of Gor)

#roleplaying #fantasy #Gor #Assassines #tahari #SecondLife #Killer #teehra