Porn Age Verification


Ars Technica: „Australia wants to use face recognition for porn age verification“.

Höre ich da einen leichten ironischen Unterton bei der Nachfrage „What could possibly go wrong?“

Der Original-Artikel – mit Links zu den Quellen – stammt vom September: „Australia is once again deciding to follow in the tracks of the United Kingdom, with the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs to look into age verification for online pornography and online wagering.“

„The main way to circumvent the block, however, is through what is known as a virtual private network (VPN). The porn blockage is based on location, and so these systems, available on both a free and subscription basis, will be able to bypass the geofencing of restricted content.“

Ich finde es gut. Dann müssen sich schon Jugendliche mit Technik wie VPN beschäftigen. Das schadet nicht.