Nowhere to Go

The Algemeiner (jüdische Zeitung aus den USA): „American Jews Have Nowhere to Go“. Ein kluger Kommentar, der die Sache ohne Schaum vor dem Mund auf den Punkt bringt.

American Jews have nowhere to go. They are faced on one side by the antisemitism of the alt-right, which has already inspired two synagogue shootings. On the other side is the equally virulent, if more subtly phrased, leftist antisemitism embodied by Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, centered on hatred of Israel and its Jewish supporters. (…) To be fair, the left bears some responsibility for this. In its own embrace of identity politics — to the point that in the form of “intersectionality” it has simply overwhelmed the left’s traditional economic and class concerns — it made a backlash of some kind inevitable. And indeed, in their own antisemitism, “the Squad” itself proves the potential toxicity of this movement. Nor can the left’s general problem with antisemitism be in any way minimized.