Giant and Dwarf Things


Das Foto habe ich 1979 in Tikal in Guatemala gemacht.

Kurze Wissenschaftsnachlese:
BBC: „Prehistoric art hints at lost Indian civilisation – The discovery of rock carvings believed to be tens of thousands of years old in India’s western state of Maharashtra has greatly excited archaeologists who believe they hold clues to a previously unknown civilisation…“

National Geographic: „Laser Scans Reveal Maya „Megalopolis“ Below Guatemalan Jungle. A vast, interconnected network of ancient cities was home to millions more people than previously thought.

IFLScience dazu: „In all, more than 61,000 ancient structures have been accounted for in the surveyed region, indicating that up to 7 to 11 million people were present at the height of the Late Classic period, 650-800 CE. For scale, New York City has about 8.5 million people. These populations were unevenly distributed with different levels of urbanization and were spread out over more than 1,200 square kilometers (810 square miles). This land was modified in some way for the intensive agricultural production needed to support the massive population for hundreds of years.“

Carnegie Science: „New extremely distant solar system object found during hunt for Planet X2.