Zwölfflächler, not certain


Weiß jemand von den gebildeten Leserinnen und intelligenten Lesern, wozu ein Dodecahedron gut ist? „As no classical accounts or narratives seem to mention them, the purpose of this mysterious object remains a puzzling mystery that has confused archaeologists since their first discovery.“

Das ist wohl nicht ganz richtig laut Wikipedia: „Iamblichus states that Hippasus, a Pythagorean, perished in the sea, because he boasted that he first divulged „the sphere with the twelve pentagons.“ – „Regular dodecahedra have been used as dice and probably also as divinatory devices. During the hellenistic era, small, hollow bronze Roman dodecahedra were made and have been found in various Roman ruins in Europe. Their purpose is not certain.“

Faszinierend! (Und vielleicht doch ganz einfach.)