Just a theory: I want to sleep with you


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Jacinta Nandi über deutsche Männer: „When men want to sleep with you – which doesn’t happen often enough – and then they try and be cool about it and they mix their verb order up You can always tell when German boys want to sleep with you because of the Satzbau of their sentences. When they don’t want to sleep with you, they go: „Ich mag schwimmen gehen“ or „Wir könnten einen Taxi teilen“ or „Ich hätte nichts dagegen“ but when they want to sleep with you, they fuck up the verbs, they go: „Schwimmen gehen mag ich“ or „Einen Taxi könnten wir teilen“ or „Dagegen hätte ich nichts“. Then you know you’re in there. I think it’s coz they want you to fall into their beds like you’ve fallen into the sentence but it’s just a theory.“