Take a Stress Pill and Think Things Over


Credits: Irreverent Italian Memes

Nun mal ganz ruhig. Mike Davis auf Jacobin: „We should resist the temptation to over-interpret Trump’s election as an American Eighteenth Brumaire or 1933. Progressives who think they’ve woken up in another country should calm down, take a stiff draught, and reflect on the actual election results from the swing states.“

Davis analysiert anhand der Wahlergebnisse in den einzelnen US-Bundesstaaten, dass Trump mitnichten nur dank der Stimmen der Arbeiterklasse gewonnen habe. „The great surprise of the election was not a huge white working-class shift to Trump but rather his success in retaining the loyalty of Romney voters.“ Manmuss schon genauer hinsehen.

Ergänzend dazu ist ein Artikel von Richard D. Wolff („Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts“) interessant: „Capitalism Itself is to Blame for Donald Trump“. (Solche Professoren gibt es in ganz Deutschland nicht.)

A fifth of Trump voters — that is to say, approximately twelve million voters — reported an unfavorable attitude toward him. No wonder the polls got it so wrong. “There is no precedent,” wrote the Washington Post, “for a candidate winning the presidency with fewer voters viewing him favorable, or looking forward to his administration, than the loser.”

Many of these nose-holders may have been evangelicals who were voting the platform, not the man, but others wanted change in Washington at any price, even if it meant putting a suicide bomber in the Oval Office.

Nur als ideologische Sättigungsbeilagen: My life as a bar worker (Video) und die E-Books auf AK Press (gratis): „We’re all still trying to figure out a way forward in the looming Age of Trump. The path isn’t entirely clear to us, but we know it’s gonna mean a fight—a long and difficult fight. One thing we thought we could do off the bat though was make a few useful ebooks we’ve published available for free. We hope you’ll read them, share them, and use them as food for thought and action.“