They’ll make a lot of sex stuff

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Motherboard: „Yes, Second Life, which first launched in 2003, looks incredibly dated. Thirteen years is an eon in the technology business. There are massively multiplayer games that look prettier, bigger social networks that are better integrated to our daily routines, and video games that are far more fun to play. So why is it still hanging around?“

Der beste Artikel, den ich jemand über Second Life gelesen habe. „Second Life, by contrast, allows users to not only create their own avatars, but also to shape and create the world they’re in, importing their own 3D assets and modifying the world with the Linden Scripting Language. (…) That means that Second Life users can build anything from virtual genetics labs, to depraved sex dungeons, to campaign headquarters for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.“

Endlich sagt es mal jemand. Und natürlich geht es um richtig viel Geld: „‚Last year, users redeemed $60 million (USD) from their Second Life businesses, and the virtual world’s GDP is about $500 million, which is the size of some small countries,‘ Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Altberg told me in an email.“

Dummerweise muss man richtig kompliziert recherchieren, um die interessanen Dinge in Second Life zu sehen (Vgl. oben: eine Tanzgruppe auf einer „Adult“-Gor-Sim, auf die man – als Avatar – nur mit Altersnachweis kommen kann.) Deswegen wird das Thema in deutschen Medien – wie gewohnt – nicht vorkommen. Dann auch noch Pixelsex?! Wo kämen wir denn da hin!