Polynesian seafarers discovered America long before Europeans

Hawaiian navigators sailing multi-hulled canoe, c. 1781, Photo: Wiki Commons

Mother Nature Network: „The prevailing theory about the „rediscovery“ of the American continents used to be such a simple tale. Most people are familiar with it: In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Then that theory was complicated when, in 1960, archaeologists discovered a site in Canada’s Newfoundland, called L’Anse aux Meadows, which proved that Norse explorers likely beat Columbus to the punch by about 500 years.

Now startling new DNA evidence promises to complicate the story even more. It turns out that it was not Columbus or the Norse — or any Europeans at all — who first rediscovered the Americas. It was actually the Polynesians.“

Ich finde solche Geschichten großartig. Man muss sich das mal vorstellen…

„The findings show that the technological capabilities of ancient peoples and cultures from around the world should not be underestimated, and that the history of human expansion across the globe is probably far more complicated than anyone could have previously imagined.“