What Comes After Oxi?

Natina Vgonzas schreibt in Jacobin über die Lage in Griechenland (noch bevor das Ergebnis der Volksabstimmung bekannt war). „Five possible scenarios after today’s referendum in Greece.“ Plan B wäre:
It is in some ways the riskiest but, given the other options, remains the most promising for Greek development and justice. Here, No wins, Greece exits, be it negotiated or unilateral, and there is a massive push to the left: nationalization of key sectors, notably the banking sector; the possible introduction of a parallel currency; restricted foreign exchange; imports of basic goods from allies; some kind of ration, however chaotic; a potential blockade of ports to begin disciplining Greek tankers, at the very least.
This wouldn’t fully resolve the liquidity problem, but it would be better managed than in the fourth scenario — that is, not on labor’s back.
Of course, this option means open confrontation with capital, to which key figures within the party have shown great apprehension.

Diesen Schritt wird, muss es geben. Mit den von mir vorhergesagten Folgen.