9 American habits I lost when I moved to Germany

Vanessa Van Doren: „9 American habits I lost when I moved to Germany“:
Germans don’t like small talk, and they don’t like bullshit. Idle comments and feel-good messages have no place here. German flirting is particularly brutal; “Your big nose looks good on your face” is about the best compliment you can expect to get in Germany.

Muahahaha. Aber es stimmt. Es ist immer wieder lustig, wie Leute, die in den USA sozialisiert wurden, und Deutsche aneinander vorbei kommunizieren und sich nicht „verstehen“.

Same deal with “forgetting” to pay your tram fare — if you get caught, the icy stares heaped upon you by an entire car full of people will be enough to freeze your blood.

Hihi. Sehr hübsch auch dieses Statement: „In Germany, smiling for no reason is considered a sign of mental weakness.“