Respective rights to national self-determination in a state of dissolution

Zur Situation im Osten der Ukraine vgl. Fefe: „Ist euch auch aufgefallen, dass die deutsche Presse heute flächendeckend berichtet…“ Usw. N-TV: „Die EU, die USA und die Übergangsregierung in Kiew erkennen das Referendum nicht an.“

Zur Erinnerung: „On 7 July 1991, whilst supportive of their respective rights to national self-determination, the European Community pressured Slovenia and Croatia to place a three-month moratorium on their independence with the Brijuni Agreement (recognized by representatives of all republics) (…) Negotiations to restore the Yugoslav federation with diplomat Lord Peter Carington and members of the European Community were all but ended. Carington’s plan realized that Yugoslavia was in a state of dissolution and decided that each republic must accept the inevitable independence of the others.“