Capitalism or if one prefers another term, the market economy

Al Jazeera vertritt einen interessanten Standpunkt – ohne die gewohnte Hysterie – zu Nordkorea:

The international media loves to describe North Korea as the „world’s last Stalinist country“, or as a „communist dictatorship“. Both descriptions are not completely off the mark, but seriously misleading nonetheless.

It is often overlooked that the last 20 years in North Korea were a time when capitalism (or if one prefers another term, the market economy) took over. In spite of the regime’s attempts to keep up communist appearances and heritage from the bygone era, North Korea can for all intents and purposes be described as a market economy – albeit not a very efficient one.

Man sieht: Im Ausland darf „Kapitalismus“ in Medien auch so benannt werden. Ich weiß schon, warum ich kaum mehr deutsche Zeitungen lese.