Relax and do some yoga, Moscow tells sanctions-waving US leaders

Novosti: Der russische Vize-Außenminister Sergey Ryabkov gibt Ratschläge an hyperventilierende US-amerikanische Politiker:

„What can we advise our American colleagues to do? Spend more time outdoors, do some yoga, have healthy food, probably, watch more comedy series on TV. That would be better than working yourselves and others up, knowing that the train is already departed and that no tantrums, crying and hysterics can help,“ he added.

Die englische Überschrift „waving US-Leaders“ macht die Sätze noch cooler, als sie eh schon sind. Schön ist auch die Zusammenfassung im Guardian:
Ryabkov accuses Americans of ‚childish tantrums‘ after they responded to crisis with sanctions. (…) „The situation is turning into a joke when, for example, meetings between meteorologists are cancelled,“ said Ryabkov.


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