Feuerbestattung 2.0


[13:23:27] εỵοlα Ǥȑɛʏ (Eyola Resident) she looked to her kids…..then to damien…“you will not be alone my love….nor forgotten….son and daughters of damien….let us send him off….on his last voyage….“ with that choked words she whispered….“i love you“ and then she placed her torch down to the wood….watching it begin to catch flames….she sobbed and fell back in some steps holding to the rock for support….the stick dropped into the pyre

[13:24:35] Lemon Lanley: steps back again as the flames arise, she looks at the man beside her, with that practiced eye of many many years working with young people, she felt rather than saw many things

[13:25:01] Ąřςαđɨuş Ǥřɛƴ (Braego Resident) takes a deep breath and steps forward. to add his torch to the pyre. „Never forgotten“ was all he could say – in fact he spoke more today than he did since the day his father died. He steps back to stand next to his family

[13:26:05] Rarius Yuroki (Yuroki Uriza): he did not understand all words, but this must be a funeral of an important man and the people are very sad indeed, he observes the scenery carefully showing respect and decides to keep quiet at the moment

[13:26:15] Kolasis Resident: took a deep breath of her own and held it biting down hard on her lips to seal them.

[13:26:24] Kajsa Ǥȑɛʏ (Saskia Haven) adds her stick to the pyre, as silent tears now awash her face, watching her father leave them, in body, but never in spirit,
A partner, a father, a grandfather too,
This is the legacy we have from you.
You taught us love and how to fight,
You gave us strength, you gave us might.
A stronger person would be hard to find,
And in your heart, you were always kind.
You fought for us all in one way or another,
Not just as a partner not just as a father.
For all of us you gave your best,
Now the time has come for you to rest.
So go in peace, you’ve earned your sleep,
Your love in our hearts, we’ll eternally keep…

[13:27:09] Wynn Salomon shouts: I am the caste of the Warriors.. and it is in our codes that the only death fit for a man is that in battle.. I can no longer believe that is true.. For this very man , my brother… died well.. and taught me that all wisdom and truth does not lie in my own codes..“ He nodded „Lo Rarius Civitatii Gor“

[13:28:26] Kαřα Ǥȑɛʏ Sαloɱoɳ (KaraAesaGrey Resident) steps to the burnig piramide and tosses her torch at the fire . She smoke and the smell from the burning body dazzled her eyes full with tears …“ we love you daddy , you will be in our hearts always“.. she hollow words leave her lips

[13:29:36] Kreon71 Resident looked at the burning corpse feeling the smell of burned flesh the he was familiar with from before. the smell sticked his nose but he didn’t show any emotions

[13:32:28] Ąřςαđɨuş Ǥřɛƴ (Braego Resident) stares in the flames. Ignoring the smell of burning flesh he d simply stare in the raging flames that slowly start to eat up his father´s corps. He crosses his arms across his chest as if he d all of a sudden start to freeze even tho the heat of the fire was more than hot on his skin. He didn t step back, not one single step.

[13:33:49] εỵοlα Ǥȑɛʏ (Eyola Resident) she had lost her rock now…she was alone….unprotected…she held onto the rock before her…sure the kids had eachother, and kara had wynn….and beyond glad that no one had gone in her house….the smell of her love burning, could not measure the pain in her heart….but she didnt move…she didnt look away…

[13:35:24] Kαřα Ǥȑɛʏ Sαloɱoɳ (KaraAesaGrey Resident) feel her companion present next to her she is thankful for his support at this hard moment .Kara watches the flames with empty eyes .. the wind spreads around dusk from the fire .. like in some dream her mind drew the image of her beloved father thrilled for a moment at the flames and she saw for a moment the strong dark silhouette of the brave warrior .. than the wind blow out more disk

[13:36:36] Kolasis Resident: listened to the pop and sizzle. The mesmerizing dance of the sparks scorching minute paths higher and fading into streaks of soot over and over. The flame light gilding her hair and gown with splashes of flickering fire.

[13:38:04] George Bravin (Avi1971 Resident): backed quietly away.. seeking a quiet spot to consider his thoughts of mortality.. and to allow the grieving family their privacy.