Commercial Onion Routing Privacy Service

Eine interessante Frage aus der Tor-Mailingsliste: Offenbar gibt es einen „Anonymisierungs“-Dienst, der von (früheren?) NSA-Mitarbeitern betrieben wird. „It seems a Commercial Onion Routing Privacy Service for US enterprises and Government Agencies.“

Der Dienst heisst NetAbstraction: „NetAbstraction is a Cloud-based service that obscures and varies your network pathways, while protecting your identity and your systems.“

Hinter der Firma steckt eine andere – Cutting Edge CA (vgl. hier).

Nun schauen wir uns Barbara Hunt an, die bei beiden Firmen eine Chefin („Senior Leader“) ist:
My last position in the Intelligence Community (2008-2012) was as Director of Capabilities for Tailored Access Operations at the National Security Agency. As a member of NSA/TAO’s senior leadership team, was responsible for end-to-end development and capabilities delivery for a large scale computer network exploitation effort.

Und dann ist da noch Steven W. Bay, Chief Strategist:
Mr. Bay is a retired CIA Senior Operations Officer with 24 years of experience conducting a full range of intelligence operations for the National Clandestine Service, including operational innovation and implementation of telecommunications and information technology programs. Mr. Bay also brings extensive experience in alternate persona research, planning, acquisition, and use.“

Frage in der Mailingliste: „Former spy, experts on COMINT and SIGINT, running an online privacy service?“

Na klar. Denen würde ich sofort meinen Daten anvertrauen. Muahahahaha.