Trolle von der NSA

NSA agentin

Der Screenshot zeigt eine NSA-Agentin in milieuspezifischer Verkleidung in Second Life.

NSA (via Snowden): „The FBI, CIA and the Defense Humint Service all have HUMINT operations in Second Life and other GVEs [„games and virtual environments“] and are very interested in forming a deconfliction and tippping group that would be able to collaborate on operations.“

Ars technica und weitere Quellen berichten; Time Tech behauptet sogar: „NSA and CIA Allegedly Tried to Recruit World of Warcraft and Second Life Players“. Die eigentliche Story stammt vom Guardian und von der NYT („Spies’ Dragnet Reaches a Playing Field of Elves and Trolls“, kostenpflichtig).

Fearing that terrorist or criminal networks could use the games to communicate secretly, move money or plot attacks, the documents show, intelligence operatives have entered terrain populated by digital avatars that include elves, gnomes and supermodels. (…) Because militants often rely on features common to video games — fake identities, voice and text chats, a way to conduct financial transactions — American and British intelligence agencies worried that they might be operating there, according to the papers.

Mich hat noch niemand angesprochen, obwohl mein Avatar bis an die Zähne bewaffnet ist und Führerqualitäten (Warlord 2.0) besitzt. Irgendwie wird das alles mittlerweile ziemlich irre.