The Rise of the New New Left

Peter Beinart („Daily Beast„) über den Linksruck der jungen Generation in den USA (Spiegel online, von denen ich den Hinweis habe, ist zu blöd und/oder zu faul, einen Link zur Quelle zu setzen):

The nationally visible Democrats rising behind Obama generally share his pro-capitalist, anti-bureaucratic, Reaganized liberalism. (…) America’s youngest adults are called „Millennials“ because the 21st century was dawning as they entered their plastic years. (…) For one thing, right-wing populism generally requires rousing white, Christian, straight, native-born Americans against Americans who are not all those things. But among Millennials, there are fewer white, Christian non-immigrants to rouse. Forty percent of Millennials are racial or ethnic minorities. Less than half say religion is “very important” to their lives. (…) It is these two factors—their economic hardship in an age of limited government protection and their resistance to right-wing cultural populism—that best explain why on economic issues, Millennials lean so far left.“

Und was denkt die Jugend in Deutschland? Interessiert sich mehr für Tierschutz und veganen Fraß als für Bürgerrechte. Pah! Pappnasen.