Warmest regards, you insufferable bastard!

Ich liebe britischen Sarkasmus. Ben Pobjie macht sich im Guardian Gedanken darüber, wie man am Ende einer E-Mail grüßen sollte:

You can sign off with „regards“, which means, quite literally, „I have no regard for you at all“. Or you can use the more extreme „warmest regards“, which means, „never contact me again you insufferable bastard“. Then there’s „yours“, which means, „I don’t even know who you are or what you wrote to me about“, and its cousin, „yours sincerely“, which means, „you owe me money and I will make your life a living hell until I get it“ (…) At the worst end of the spectrum are the faux-affectionate sign-offs. Writing „love“ is fine when writing to someone you actually love: otherwise you’re either going to sound disturbed or sarcastic. Writing „fondly“ is almost the same as writing „I hate you“.



One Kommentar zu “Warmest regards, you insufferable bastard!”

  1. andreas am Juli 17th, 2013 10:48 am

    cheers ist auch schön, aber im artikel missachtet.

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