Dumb German laws concerning the Internet

Ein Leser (danke, Jens!) weist mich gerade darauf hin, dass Kristian Köhntopp leider sein Blog (war hier in der Blogroll) eingestellt hat. Schade – die „wunderbare Welt von Isotopp“ habe ich oft gelesen.

Dort kommentierte Clemens Gleich: „The point for Kristian and many others is an emotional one: There are so many dumb German laws concerning the Internet and privacy that selfpublishers live in constant uncertainty. I can quite understand everyone who wants to quit that. I personally see it as a part of my duty doing the opposite, just to show people some normality. So far, I and everyone doing the same thing, we are really doing a kinda Don Quixote fight… Expect more small sites closing.“