Conspiracy Theory Enthusiasts beim CCC

Fefe: „Und beim CCC sind schon zwei Hacker unter mysteriösen Umständen ums Leben gekommen über die Jahre.“

Und was will uns der Künstler damit sagen? Dass Tron ermordet wurde?

Auszug aus einem Brief Markus Kuhns an die Los Angeles Times, Juli 2002
„Streitfeld, David“ wrote on 2002-07-08 19:24 UTC: I am a reporter for the Los Angeles Times working on a story about smart card hacking. i wanted to ask you about Boris F[…].
The German journalist Burkhard Schröder wrote a book on the case. I think that both his presentation of the case and the conclusions he maked are the most sensible ones that I have seen so far, therefore I’d like to refer you to him as a more well-informed source.
Do you think his death was a suicide?
From all I know, this seems to be the most plausible hypothesis.
Why do so many people think he was killed, even if it’s unclear by who?
Lack of an obvious motive, plus he was affiliated with the Chaos Computer Club in Berlin, a highly media-active association that includes quite a number of conspiracy theory enthusiasts.”