Das grosse Tierrätsel 2.0 auf burks.de

fettes Tier

Um welches virtuelle Tier handelt es sich – und wo wird es erwähnt?



4 Kommentare zu “Das grosse Tierrätsel 2.0 auf burks.de”

  1. flatter am November 9th, 2012 6:45 pm

    Ein schwer mit seinem Aussterben beschäftigter Komodowaran und „Last Chance to See“.

  2. froke am November 10th, 2012 12:02 am

    Rudi das Rennschwein

  3. Zombie-Elvis am November 10th, 2012 4:19 am

    Ein Weihnachtsnashorn ohne Horn.

  4. admin am November 12th, 2012 2:52 pm

    Residents in one form or another of most areas of Gor; a number of varieties of these reptiles are domesticated and even bred. The term tharlarion would seem to refer to a species rather than a specific animal, as demonstrated by the numerous mentions of various forms of tharlarions. High tharlarions, which are carnivorous, are used as mounts by cavalry warriors, while others, some even herbivorous, like the broad tharlarion, the land tharlarion and the river tharlarion, are used as draft beasts. In the wild, tharlarion are described as shiny-eyed and fearsome.

    „Tharlarion“ is a general term for several species of animal on Gor which we would doubtless think of as reptiles, or, certainly, as reptilian. There is some speculation they are forms of reptilian life brought to Gor long ago by the Priest-Kings in their Voyages of Acquisition, and may be related to the dinosauria. (It is not clear how long Gor as been in our solar system, or, if, perhaps, it has come and gone at various times in the past, such beasts being protected in the „Nest“ during transits between stars.)

    Others speculate that they are native to the Gorean world, and their resemblance to the dinosauria is a function of ecological niches and convergent evolution. They are usually divided into the quadrupedal and bipedalian varieties. Large quadrupedal types are usually used for draft purposes or as shock forces in ground warfare, rather as might have been the elephants utilized by the Carthaginians in the Punic Wars. Others, faster, upright, etc. are used as mounts, either generally, or by a ground cavalry, so to speak, of the Gorean military.
    John Norman, Letter to The Gorean Group, Sept 20th, 2000

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