The Tarn of the Voltai oder unter Banditen 2.0


Auch Avatare müssen manchmal umziehen. Die Stadt Landa in Second-Life-Gor, in der mein Avatar zwischen April 2011 und gestern gelebt hat, schließt ihre virtuellen Pforten. Ich bin nach Treve (oberes Bild) geflüchtet. Hier ein Kommentar der Sim-Besitzerin von Treve zum Hintergrund des Rollenspiels dort:

Treve – „The Tarn of the Voltai“ – quotes from various passages.

In the books, Treve was a hidden city in the mountains, whose defenses were never breached. It was incredibly difficult to find and only accessed by tarn. While the Ubar and Scarlet Caste Commanders might hood visitors such as merchants and ambassadors and bring them to Treve for some official business; no woman, it was said, could be brought to the city, save as a hooded, stripped slave girl, bound across the saddle of a tarn.

Trevians are proud and arrogant… raiders and hunters who take what they want and when they want from outsiders. They intimidate, threaten to get what they want, and can be ruthless to outsiders and their enemies, believing all other Goreans are inferior. They claim to be from Minus rather than disclose their true identity when scouting or spying, to deflect inquiries, armed with spear, crossbow, long bow, sword and shield.

Treve didn’t ally with other cities, though their warriors can and did sell their services as mercenaries to other cities. The Free Women of Treve were rarely found on the auction block; but that also means they rarely left the confines of the city either. (For role-play purposes, Trevian high caste females must have a guard, but must also have a very good IC reason to leave the safety of the city. As high caste members, they didn’t just „hang out“ with the peasants in the village.)

Visitors to Minus can expect to be treated with distain and suspicion. Women who are travelling would be mindful to be on their best behaviour. There are no laws in Minus to protect strangers, only the power of those with a sword and perhaps the wit and charm of a peasant woman who has little resources to her name.

The village of Minus is where most of our interaction with visitors and raiders from other sims take place as access is Treve is VERY difficult. Minus is a warrior’s nightmare to defend as there are no physical barriers like walls, forts, locked gates, water barriers, etc. This is done in fairness and to allow easier interplay between sims as Treve’s access is very limited. All we can do is ask that you understand the dynamics of our role-play theme and respect how we have set this up. Treve is our ONLY stronghold and thus we will zealously protect it from outsiders gaining IC („in character“) knowledge of where it is; not to mention, IC knowledge of Treve is not consistent with our BTB theme; nor by the books themselves that stated Treve’s defenses were never breached (Erm … not always conducive for role-play however!).

Does this mean we won’t allow non-members up to Treve? No, in fact we have set up a path; but that doesn’t mean outsiders can spend a few minutes to discover the paths and slide up it in a few minutes. The twisting and chaotic path through the mountain took at least a week if not more for a Trevian to travel. And they were shown the way! (That is why Trevians prefer to travel by tarn – much quicker and easier.) Even an experienced cartographer would have to spend considerable effort to navigate and map these well-hidden secret paths of which – were their efforts ever brought to light, they would be killed for, as no maps of Treve will –ever- be allowed. So it is difficult to access us via this method; but yes, we will allow access if SIGNIFICANT effort is put into the discovery. Again, bear in mind we have no true physical defenses so we rely on you to honor our needs to protect our theme.

Enemy warriors with general IC knowledge of Treve can approach the city on tarn. Raids of the city via tarnback are permitted by certain groups… if you are not sure if your group has permission to raid the city of treve by tarn, IT DOESNT.

Small parties, usually one or two warriors, will make their way to Treve. We sometimes contact these intruders in IM and ask them to turn around; but other times, in the interest of role-play, our warriors will attack to capture and then role-play killing them. Once the intruders are killed or escape, we ask that they respect the theme of Treve and lose IC knowledge of the path that they should NEVER have been able to traverse in the first place. If you manage to escape, Trevian warriors will attempt to hunt you down and kill you.

Stolz und arrogant – das passt ja zu meinem Avatar (der in der Mitte mit weissgoldener Tunika, Schwert und Armbrust). Ich habe meine Bank (Spielbank im Sinne des Wortes) nach Minus (mittleres Bild) verlegt, bin aber Bürger von Treve. Das untere Bild zeigt mein privates Haus in Venna.

Location: Venna is a small, exclusive resort city, some two hundred pasangs north of Ar. It is noted for its baths and its tharlarion races. (Fighting slave of Gor, page 172)