Facebooks geheimer Wertecanon


Nein, das ist kein Scherz. Die meinen das im Ernst (Vorsicht, gawker.com erzwingt Javascript).

Facebook, it appears, will delete pretty tame stuff. For example, any of the following content will be deleted, according to the guidelines:
Blatant (obvious) depiction of camel toes and moose knuckles.
Mothers breastfeeding without clothes on.
Sex toys or other objects, but only in the context of sexual activity.
Depicting sexual fetishes in any form.
ANY photoshopped images of people, whether negative, positive or neutral.
Images of drunk and unconscious people , or sleeping people with things drawn on their face.
Violent speech (Example: „I love hearing skulls crack.“).
When it comes to sex and nudity, Facebook is strictly PG-13, according to the guidelines. Obvious sexual activity, even clothed, is deleted, as are „naked ‘private parts‘ including female nipple bulges and naked butt cracks.“ But „male nipples are OK.“

Die sind doch nicht mehr ganz dicht bei Fratzenbuch – aber auch nicht schlimmer als deutsche Jugendschutzwarte.