Supreme Commander – Der Hacker der Woche

Wired: „‘Supreme Commander’ of Fake Army Marches Into Jail Cell“

Yupeng Deng of Los Angeles pleaded guilty Wednesday to charges that he invented a fake army unit to dupe unsuspecting Chinese immigrants out of cash. Deng, who appointed himself the “supreme commander” of the phony outfit, is now headed to jail for theft by false pretenses, manufacturing deceptive government documents and counterfeit of an official government seal. Deng called his fake outfit the “U.S. Army/Military Special Forces Reserve unit” (MFSR) and held it out to Chinese immigrants as a glide path to U.S. citizenship. He charged each recruit between $300-400 to enlist and $120 a year for “renewal,” duping his victims into thinking they’d be eligible to become American citizens. Unfortunately for enlistees, that wasn’t the case.

Social Engineering vom Feinsten….