Julian Assange und Holocaust-Leugner Israel Shamir, reloaded

Ein interessanter Artikel in The Guardian über Wikileaks-„Guru“ Julian Assange:

„But the political commentator Douglas Murray, director of the centre for social cohesion, challenged Assange over the website’s sources of funding, its staffing and connections with the Holocaust denier Israel Shamir, who has worked with the site.

‚What gives you the right to decide what should be known or not? Governments are elected. You, Mr Assange are not.‘

Murray also challenged the WikiLeaks founder over an account in a book by Guardian writers David Leigh and Luke Harding, in which the authors quote him suggesting that if informants were to be killed following publication of the leaks, they ‚had it coming to them'“.

Die taz hatte im Januar schon darüber berichtet, der Freitag hatte im letzten Dezember einen Artikel des Guardian zum Thema ins Deutsche übersetzt.