Stuxnet Myrtus or MyRTUs?

Auf Cryptome sind ein paar interessante Randbemerkungen über „the media’s propaganda machine is alive and well“:

According to Markoff, „Several of the teams of computer security researchers who have been dissecting the software found a text string that suggests that the attackers named their project Myrtus… an allusion to the Hebrew word for Esther. The Book of Esther tells the story of a Persian plot against the Jews, who attacked their enemies pre-emptively.“

Really? Personally I’d be surprised if a crack team of Israeli software engineers were so sloppy that they relied on outdated rootkit technology (e.g. hooking the Nt*() calls used by Kernel32.LoadLibrary() and using UPX to pack code). Most of the Israeli developers I’ve met are pretty sharp. Just ask Erez Metula.