The future is on the net

Ein interessanter Artikel im englischen Guardian: „Rupert Murdoch and the future of British media – As angry MPs agree witnesses should be called to account over the phone-hacking affair, Henry Porter and Will Hutton examine the wide influence of the media empire behind the scandal.“

„No British political party has succeeded at an election in the last 30 years without Murdoch’s blessing and the drumbeat of his papers can make life extremely difficult for a government when he withdraws his support, as he did from Labour last year.“

Die Italiener haben Berlusconi, die Briten haben Murdoch.

„The future is on the net, but readers are reluctant to pay for newspapers online (…) Conservative titles – the Mail, Express, and Telegraph – will be marginally more vulnerable than the liberal titles – the Guardian, Observer, Independent, Independent on Sunday and the Mirror, whose readership will stay more loyal to the editorial line. But the effect will be small.“



One Kommentar zu “The future is on the net”

  1. hanna am September 14th, 2010 1:11 pm

    Ts …

    Respekt, Burkhard! Guter Artikel!

    –Und die Deutschen haben
    Dr. Michael Krallenmueller? ;-)

    Der ist unschuldig. … ;-)


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