Paul – the soothsaying cephalopod

Wer etwas über britischen Humor lernen will, sollte den Artikel David Spiegelhalters (University of Cambridge) lesen: „It’s definitely time to retire. I and all my profession are being humiliated by the apparent ability of Paul the psychic octopus to predict the results of Germany’s World Cup matches. (…) No interviews with Paul are currently available and so we don’t know his thought processes when his Delphic tentacle reaches out and picks the winning team, but he is probably not analysing the data on past performance which forms the basis for most football prediction systems. (…) That octopus is destroying my life’s work. (…)“

Hier ist noch etwas Mathematisches dazu: „Paul die Orakelkrake – mathematisch betrachtet“ (via Astrodicticum Simplex).



One Kommentar zu “Paul – the soothsaying cephalopod”

  1. Die Logik und Mathematik hinter Kraken Paul´s WM Tipps - Blokster am Juli 13th, 2010 12:50 pm

    […] (Via burks) […]

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