Sieben Jahre Second Life: Why didn’t M give his speech?

Der Alphaville Herald hat ein Video „gefunden“, das erklärt, warum Linden-Lab-Gründer Philip Rosedale (aka Philip Linden) nicht in der Lage war, bei seiner eigenen Rede zum Anlass des siebten Geburtstages der 3D-Welt „inworld“ (also als Avatar) anwesend zu sein. „SecondLice has access to security cameras at Battery St.“ Manchmal mag ich den respektlosen US-amerikanischen Humor.

By the way: In text chat:
Dousa Dragonash: Is there any truth in the rumour that Second Life is preparing to be bought?
Philip Linden: Dousa…. nope.
Honour McMillan: thank y ou Philip – what is your ongoing involvement?
Philip Linden: Honour…. I am always working closely with Linden, and lately focusing on how I can help with product direction.
Gazanfer Jehangir: people are thinking sl is headed in a direction to end up as a 3d facebook? any enlightenment on this please
Philip Linden: Hmm….. well SL and facebook are very different. But we certainly do need to make it easier as an experience, in manner similar to how easy FB is.
Youri Ashton: Philip: Could you tell us what kind of things you still do with the Lindens, besides your new project
Philip Linden: Youri: I’m active as board member, and am also often at the office.
Zol Link: I am wondering if SL will have any new graphics updates? And will there be a way to reduce lagging and load times during play, I noticed some places lag less and have less Issues then other areas, I would like to see if you could pull off what Eve online and or Entropia Universe has, where over 1k + players could stand in one area with little to no lag
Philip Linden: Zol: The graphics work we’ve been doing lately is state of the art, in terms of shadows and the like. I agree that 1000 people in one area would be incredibly great. what we need is higher frame rate for the complex builds and avatars in SL