She Urt of Gor

She Urt of Gor

Und nun zu etwas ganz Anderem. Das ist eine so genannte She Urt in Gor, einer der möglichen weiblichen Charaktere eines Rollenspiels in Second Life.

„She-urts: (noun; short for ’she-urts of the wharves‘) homeless free girls – runaways, vagabonds, orphans, etc. – who live near the canals in port cities, surviving by scavenging, begging, stealing, and sleeping with paga attendants; they sleep wherever they find space, and usually wear a brief tunic instead of Robes of Concealment. I think it takes a very special, flexible individual to want to take on this role at all.“

Dieser süße Avatar spielt übrigens meine „Schwester“ in Gor.