Nerva Militant Collective

Second LifeSecond Life

Vor ein paar Tagen musste ich einen „Intelligenztest“ ausfüllen, um Zugang zu einer Combat-Sim („-Nerva- Militant Collective„) in Second Life zu bekommen. Hier ist er:

You are encouraged to complete this section to the best of your abilities on the spot. If you cheated, the trainer will be able to tell simply by talking to you.

Correct this sentence into proper english:
me nad bobby went to teh storecause it wus rainin and i know he’d was hungary

If you are the 50th best and 50th worst student in your school, how many people are in your school, discounting anyone besides students.

How many continents are on the earth?

What gives blood its red color?

If you drove 6 miles north, turned left, and drove 8 miles west, how far away are you physically from where you started?

If A = B and B = C, then A = C, true or false?

We were gracefully taken to jail.
Gracefully is what type of speech? (i.e. noun? pronoun? verb?)

You are not expected to complete all these correctly. Do as many as you can without assistance.

Second LifeSecond Life



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