Absender   : RAdams@ndsuk.com  (Adams, Ray)
Pfad       : ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!Home.IPN.De!burks
Message-ID : 71711A2AEB88D1118B5700805FF52D700109EF53@dill.hrow.ndsuk.com
Empfaenger : B.SCHROEDER@P120.burks.de
Weiterleiter burks@Home.IPN.De
Betreff    : RE: PS
Datum      : Mi 02.06.99, 14:04  (erhalten: 02.06.99)
You seem to be misinformed.   I spoke with the CCC because I ubderstood that
they were friends of Boris.   I offered to be of assistance should they
require it.   I had some brief contact with them but have not spoken with
them for many months.   So whether you are working with them or not is
really not important to me.

You seem to think I have an interest in matters surrounding Boris.    Apart
from liking a very talented young man I had no interest.   However, if I can
be of assistance to you, the police or any other person I will do so.
First I would like to know who you are.   Some very stupid and untrue things
were written about NDS and Boris and I am not going to fuel such nonsense.
I will only deal with responsible people and feel that such persons would be
working with the Police.

Ray Adams

Absender   : RAdams@ndsuk.com  (Adams, Ray)
Pfad       : ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!Home.IPN.De!burks
Message-ID : 71711A2AEB88D1118B5700805FF52D700109EF61@dill.hrow.ndsuk.com
Empfaenger : B.SCHROEDER@P120.burks.de
Weiterleiter burks@Home.IPN.De
Betreff    : RE: Tron
Datum      : Mi 02.06.99, 14:37  (erhalten: 02.06.99)
Some of what you say is familiar.

Boris was bright.   Such people come to notice.   NDS offers sponsorship at
University and possible employment therefater.   This is normal business

The package that was sent to Boris was totally innocent.   It was a couple
of chips for his University project.   He could only buy them if he
purchased 100 at a time and as he only needed a couple I sent them to him.
They were ordinary off the shelf products.

I do not know anyone called Zuriel.

If you have evidence that Boris died other than by suicide I would assist
you all I am able.   However, at the end of the day you must work with
Police on such matters.   Are you interested in Justice or just a story?

There is nothing suspicious about NDS or the contact with BORIS.   It was
open and normal.

You are wrong about visiting the Kempinsky hotel twice.   It was once.

As for names of people I would like to know what you intend doing with any
information on such people.   Are you suggesting that they were behind the
death of Boris?   I have no such knowledge.

I still do not know what it is you are attempting to do.   If I have any
information to establish that anyone killed Boris then I would give it to
the Police and not to you.   What makes you think that I would do otherwise.


Absender   : RAdams@ndsuk.com  (Adams, Ray)
Pfad       : ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!Home.IPN.De!burks
Message-ID : 71711A2AEB88D1118B5700805FF52D700109EF93@dill.hrow.ndsuk.com
Empfaenger : B.SCHROEDER@P120.burks.de
Weiterleiter burks@Home.IPN.De
Betreff    : RE: Tron
Datum      : Do 03.06.99, 12:16  (erhalten: 03.06.99)
Your information about the chips I supplied is totally inaccurate.   I do
not like your insulting comments.   When he was sent the chips he was in the
process of making his hardware device for his university project.    I know
the dates.   You are wrong.   If you are wrong about such a simple thing
then you are probably wrong about other things.   I do not lie and have no
reason to lie.

Besides, I do not see how the questions you are asking can assist the Police
to pursue what you are allegeing as to the cause of his death.

Again there is no one in NDS named Zuriel.

NDS does not need a fair chance in you book investigation as NDS has done
absolutely nothing wrong.   We have nothing to hide.   I have provided the
Police will a full account of our dealings with Boris.   They were open and

As for pgp I have no reason to hide what I am saying.


Absender   : RAdams@ndsuk.com  (Adams, Ray)
Pfad       : ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!Home.IPN.De!burks
Message-ID : 71711A2AEB88D1118B5700805FF52D700109EFAF@dill.hrow.ndsuk.com
Empfaenger : B.SCHROEDER@P120.burks.de
Weiterleiter burks@Home.IPN.De
Betreff    : RE: Tron
Datum      : Do 03.06.99, 14:57  (erhalten: 03.06.99)
You are behaving very badly.   You are making threats by your suggestion
that I have had my chance to answer your questions.   Their is nothing
suspicious.   I do not have to answer your questions.   All answers are
registered with the Police in Berlin.   I will inform them that you say you
have new eveidence.

My only interest in you is if you can help resolve the circumstances of the
death of Boris.    If you can then that should be done with the police.

I have talked to journalists all my life.   Like me they are normally
straightforward people.

I am totally honest and so is my company.   In view of your attitude I will
inform Margot Field that it is unwise to talk to you.

You seem to be intent on playing games with the death of Boris.   This was a
tragic and sad matter and not one for you to create unfounded innuendo.

It is you who have lost a chance by you attitude and inneuendo.   If you
have something useful then spell it out.


My interest would be in achieving justice for Boris and comfort for his
family.   I had hoped that at last I had discovered a professional person
with whom I could work.   I well unederstand you and your tactics.   You are
attempting to provoke me into giving equally silly comments as you.

One day you will regret the opportunity I gave you to work with someone who
cared about Boris.   Who cares about justice.   Who cares about the truth.
Who cares about integirity.

I will be visiting Berlin soon and will report your alleged new knowledge to
the Police.   This is in accordance with my offer to them to tell them
everything I hear about the talk of the death of Boris.

I have never lied once about Boris.   I do not need to.  Please repeat you
allegation that I have lied in a format that makes you sueable for lible.

Yes I was at Scotland Yard and I am very proud of a career based on
integrity.   Do you think this is a discovery - in which case you know very
little.   I give business cards that describe my former career.


Absender   : RAdams@ndsuk.com  (Adams, Ray)
Pfad       : ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!ipn-b.comlink.apc.org!Home.IPN.De!burks
Message-ID : 71711A2AEB88D1118B5700805FF52D700155EDFC@dill.hrow.ndsuk.com
Empfaenger : B.SCHROEDER@P120.burks.de
Weiterleiter burks@Home.IPN.De
Betreff    : RE: at once
Datum      : Mo 02.08.99, 14:23  (erhalten: 02.08.99)
As you know my German is not very good.

I understood your message.

I repeat what I have always said.   The death of Boris was absolutely
nothing to do with NDS.   Our contact with him was above board and
respectable.   We liked the young man.   He was not a threat or a problem to

His death was very sad.   The Police are convinced that it was suicide.   I
do not have any information to the contrary.   My own personal view was that
if Boris did commit suicide then there must have been a heavy pressure on
him.   I told this to the Police and urged them to fully investigate what
the pressure could be.    I have heard nothing back from the Police.

I met with Klaus Leiner.   I told him what I knew of Boris.   He seems to be
a highly professional investigator.   I had the impression that he would
establish the truth.

I have no other information that would assist you.

I know that Boris was in touch with Dutch and Belgian people.   The
connection was to do with the hack of the Irdeto company products.   This is
nothing to do with NDS.

Ray Adams
